Miyazawa Wagyu is a branded beef from Kuroge Wagyu, which is promoted by the agricultural association corporation Miyazawa Nousan. Miyazawa Agro-Products produces safe and secure beef by thoroughly controlling bookkeeping in production history. In addition to unified management based on the decided feed supply manual, rough fertilizer is also focused on local production mainly from rice straw.

Consistently from breeding to breeding
Among the brand Wagyu from Chiba Prefecture
Miyazawa Wagyu is born in the eye-catching management from birth to shipping in Hokuso Plateau, a rich natural environment in Chiba. Meat quality is generally tight and fine-grained. There is a bit of crunchy, and even the cut-off meat that comes out during processing has a good flavor, and it can be used in beef bowls, meat and potatoes, curry, etc. and is also appreciated by consumers.